Thursday, June 30, 2022

Albion/Mountain Brow/Buttermilk Falls, Thurs 30 June 2022, 8:15

 Lots of shade and the occasional breeze made for a great hike.

Josie can do selfies!!

At Uli Stairs and the Rail Trail......
and I thought my shots were bad!

At the Albion Falls lookout....lots of water here, but just a trickle at Buttermilk Falls.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Elora Gorge early-lunch hike, Thu 30 June 2022

Ian lines them up against the wall for a scenic group shot

Sid says: a sunny morning walking along the shady Elora Gorge trail ...


Elora Gorge long hike, Mon June 27 2022, 7:45

Our last early Monday hike before the summer hiatus...17, sunny with a few clouds and no mosquitoes!

At the 'hole in the rock'

The gallery looks on as Brian crosses Irvine Creek

Twelvsies on the Grand. 
By this time, the later group was pondering menu choices.

Along the base of the escarpment

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Rattray Marsh, Thu 23 Jun 2022, 8:45

 Leader Sid says:

... Pics from this sunny morning ... our mighty group of seven shared our hike with work crews doing boardwalk renovations and ash tree removal along with many enthusiastic elementary school students.



Monday, June 20, 2022

DV Spring Creek, Mon 20 June, 8:45

 First time on this wonderful new trail, developed by Anita. Nicely wooded for the first half with lots of the usual Dundas Valley up and down. The return -- mostly on the Rail Trail -- was flat and easy, like most rail trails. This is definitely one to return to when Fall colours are upon us. 

Floribunda rose (according to "Seek")

A new hazard -- a soccer net on the edge of the trail

Taking the safe route past the soccer field

Dundas Valley -- where else?

The lineup for the loo was quite long ...

At the turnaround point

Another hazard...!

Seek calls these mock strawberries, but they look pretty real

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Kelso Summit, Mon 13 Jun 2022, 8:45

Jim led a group of 17 including 3 guests in perfect hiking conditions -- sunny, 16-18C, no bugs, and few bikes. Even the entry gate worked flawlessly. 

The spot that qualifies this trail for the N rating for technical difficulty.

Thanks to a passing hiker for this group shot

No "N" rating needed here!


Monday, June 13, 2022

Scotsdale/Great Esker, Mon 13 June 2022, 8:00

 24 and clear, blue skies.....

Mike, Marleen, Carol, Barbara, Ann, and our guest hiker

The mosquitoes were voracious.
 There were several stops for applications of bug stuff.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Glen Abbey Trails, Thu 9 June 2022, 8:45

 A delayed start to allow the rain to move proved wonderfully wise and effective, bringing out a recent record of 17 hikers. With no carpooling, the morning provided a nice boost to PHG coffers as well as a pleasant stroll in the Oakville woodlots. 

Oakville deforestation project

Not all Oakville forests have disappeared, fortunately

Dame's Rocket, masquerading as phlox

Why the trail gets its E-E rating

At the start (or was it the end?) of Tom's Side Trail

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Forks of the Credit, Thurs 9 June 2022, 8:15

 The cloudy skies eventually cleared up and with a temp of 17, hiking was very comfortable. Even the hills didn't seem so bad today!

Elevensies at the Bailey Bridge

In the hollow tree

At the kettle turtles today

Flowers on the trail--
yellow hawkweed, columbine, meadow anemone, yellow pond lily 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Hamilton Beach, Mon 6 June 2022, 8:45

While it was not exactly classic beach weather, it was a good day for walking and we had a turnout of 10 hikers. We successfully managed the 4m of elevation gain reported by AllTrails and also avoided several fast-moving bicycles.

The sweeps: Karen, Sid, David

Beauty along the trail: rugosa rose, according to Seek

Black walnut, also according to Seek

Hockley Valley, Mon 6 June 2022, 7:45 (by Richard)

 Richard says: The hike turned out well, the rain started as we left. Cool temperatures and few bugs. Beautiful forest and the hike lives up to its strenuous designation!

It's a wonder they did not get lost, the map being backwards and all...!

Carol and Christine, Richard behind the camera


Sunday, June 5, 2022

BBQ & 30th Anniversary

There was a good turnout for the first BBQ in 3 years, and it was combined with a low-key recognition of Pathfinders' 30th Anniversary. It was good to be back in the JCC and see so many familiar faces! Thanks to Sue Stanley and committee for a good evening.

The catering crew did a nice job.

Not sure what the rain plan was, but it didn't matter as it was a beautiful evening.

Carol very nicely waited until everyone else was served... :)

The DJ was good: many were inspired to dance while others could still manage to talk.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Hamilton Beach, Thu 2 June 2022, 8:45

 It was an unexpectedly lovely day for this hike, enjoyed by 11 of us, all mermerized by the beauty of the lake on such a calm morning. So much so that Tom forgot to take any people pictures!